


Ha Noi Rethink Youth Creative Photography Contest is within the framework of the “Hanoi Rethink” project – a project to mobilize cultural resources and the participation of the young generation to build Hanoi into a creative capital. The contest is organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in partnership with the Hanoi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, sponsored by SOVICO Group in response to the Hanoi Creative Design Festival 2022.

The diversity of Hanoi’s culture and history exists in cuisine, music, arts, handicrafts and countless different expressions. Every little corner of the city has interesting stories and cultures. The contest creates a playground to encourage young people to explore Hanoi through creative lenses and perspectives, beyond the stereotypes of “Hanoi must be …”. Through different lenses and techniques, young people contribute their work to an inclusive, diverse and true image of culture and people in Hanoi.


Individuals who are interested in photography regardless of professional or non-professional between the ages of 14 and 32, regardless of gender, occupation, location of living and working, financial condition…


The contest takes place within 03 months from 18/11/2022 to 20/02/2023 with important timelines as follows:

  • 18/11 – 30/01: Submitting entries
  • 16/01 – 12/02: Online voting
  • 13/02 – 20/02: Announcement of results


The prizes include:

  • 01 First Prize: 10,000,000 VND, Certificate and Gift Set of Hanoi Rethink
  • 02 Second prizes: 5,000,000 VND/prize, Certificate and Gift Set of Hanoi Rethink

In all the entries in 2 categories, the Jury based on the criteria of the contest selects:

  • 32 outstanding works participated in the exhibition organized after the contest.
  • 01 winning entry for “Best Story” award worth VND 5,000,000, Certificate and Gift Set of Hanoi Rethink

In addition, the winner of the Favorite award will receive 01 Favorite Prize worth VND 5,000,000, Certificate and Gift Set of Hanoi Rethink.

The total current value is worth 50 million Vietnamese dong.

Detailed rules:

Each participant is allowed to register for up to 5 entries. For each entry, the participant is allowed to register to participate in 1 of the following 2 contest categories.

3.1. Category contest – Youth Photography:


– Entries are photos with content revolving around the theme “Hanoi Rethink”, showing a creative perspective on Hanoi city, about moments, places, activities, people, culture, lifestyle … but do not interfere with editing that changes the content or structure of the original image.

– Entries must be accompanied by 1 story, introduction, caption… about the content of the photo (the length is not more than 300 words). The language used in the caption can be Vietnamese or English.

– Eligible entries (see details here) are uploaded to Google Drive and are linked to fill out the following registration form:

3.2. Category contest – Youth Creative Photography

Content requirements:

– The participants freely explore the possibilities of the art of photography through the manipulation of expanding, editing and combining images, but must focus on the content. The participant is allowed to use any technical, technological measures for creativity. Note that the combined image in the photo must be taken by the photographer himself. Images created purely graphically (not derived from photos) are not accepted.

– The entries must have content around the theme “Hanoi Rethink” (Another perspective on Hanoi), showing diverse and creative perspectives about Hanoi, about moments, places, activities, people, culture, lifestyle …

– Entries must be accompanied by 1 story, introduction, caption… about the content of the photo (the length is not more than 300 words). The language used in the caption can be Vietnamese or English.

– Eligible entries (see details here) are uploaded to Google Drive and are linked to fill out the following registration form:

3.3. Favorite Award

All participants who submit their entries are encouraged to participate in the Favorite award, which consists of 2 rounds. The rules for each round are as follows:

Round 1 (16/01 – 30/01):  The participant uploads the work directly to his Facebook profile between 16/01 – 30/01/2022, with the hashtag #HanoiRethink #Nhiepanhsangtaotre #HanoiYouthCreativePhoto

Note: The published entries must have the same name as the registered name in the form, note that the participant’s name is the same name as the registered name in the form, with 1 short introduction to the content (which may not match the description in the form).

Round 2 (02/02 – 12/02): 30 photos with the highest interaction points (on the participant’s personal page as of 17h on 30/01/2022 will be posted on UNESCO’s official fan page for vote on 02/02/2023.

As of 5 p.m. on February 12, 2023, the work that receives the highest interaction score will win the Favorite Award.

Interaction points are calculated according to the rules of the contest (details can be found here)

Important copyright note:

The Organizer reserves the right to refuse any photo if the contestant does not meet the aforementioned rules. UNESCO reserves the right to use selected images for publication, and use for non-profit purposes, in exhibition events, printing publications, media and media products on websites, newspapers, Facebook pages, Facebook groups, online forums… of the Organizers and the media partners of the program. The participant’s name and copyright are respected, with informative notes in the image.

Hanoi Rethink

In 2019, Hanoi was recognized by UNESCO as a Creative City in the field of design, taking cultural and creative resources as the foundation for sustainable urban development, realizing the vision of becoming 1 leading creative center in Southeast Asia.  UNESCO implemented the project “Hanoi Rethink – Mobilizing cultural resources and youth participation towards the development of Hanoi into a Creative Capital” in cooperation with UNIDO and UN-Habitat. The project will support Hanoi city to realize its strategic vision of becoming a creative city in the field of design, using cultural heritage with the participation of the young generation of Vietnam – essential for innovation, creativity and social change. One of the three main purposes of the project is to promote young Vietnamese creative talents to inspire and contribute to the new development of Hanoi, with the name of Creative Capital with innovative ideas and actions.

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