

VNU12 Program: Students have the opportunity to shorten their university study time

The talent nurturing program from high school helps students access and orient their careers early.

Deputy Director of Hanoi National University Pham Bao Son spoke at the Festival.
Photo: Viet Ha – VNA
On May 17, nearly 1,600 students from Hanoi National University’s high schools and their parents had the opportunity to meet and interact with professors, associate professors, lecturers, and administrators of the University. Hanoi National University for advice and orientation on future career opportunities, through the Admissions and Career Guidance Consulting Festival for High School students. This is an event for Hanoi National University to introduce the Talent Incubation Program from High School (VNU12 for short).

* Study some modules early in the university program

Speaking at the opening of the Festival, Deputy Director of Hanoi National University Pham Bao Son said that one of the school’s innovative directions is early career orientation for high school students of Hanoi National University. Noi by advising and supporting students to learn some modules early in the university training program and giving priority in admission when they wish to continue their university studies at Hanoi National University. Therefore, the unit has developed and promulgated a Talent Incubation Program from High School level called VNU12 Program for short. The goal of the program is to help students at Hanoi National University’s high schools approach and orient their careers early, and practice scientific research under the guidance of reputable scientists. credit, shortening training time at the university level and creating a source for training scientists of international standards in the future.

With specific information about the program, Head of the Training Department of Hanoi National University Nguyen Anh Tuan said: Each student’s early learning will be organized in the form of individualized training with the direct guidance of teachers. Prestigious lecturer with international qualifications from Hanoi National University. During the learning process, students can participate in scientific research, practice, and internship with the instructor or the instructor’s research group.

Students participating in the VNU12 Program are specialized and non-specialized high school students at schools under Hanoi National University, meeting one of the following conditions: Have been or are currently members of the student competition team excellent at national and international exams belonging to the unit’s admission combination; won a prize in the High School Olympiad at Hanoi National University in the unit’s admission combination (for specialized high school students) or third prize or higher in the Intermediate Olympiad High school students at Hanoi National University, subject to the unit’s admission combination (for non-specialized high school students). Academic results in the 10th grade (for specialized high school students) or academic results in the 10th grade and first semester of 11 (for non-specialized high school students) reach the level good, have foreign language ability to meet the requirements of the training program.

In addition to the above cases, students can register to participate in the VNU12 Program if they are trained by a reputable scientist in the field and are on the list of lecturers participating in the VNU12 Program approved by Hanoi National University. The Cabinet approved the discovery, guarantee and commitment to career orientation and guidance in studying university training programs in the basic sciences of Hanoi National University.

Experts from Hanoi National University answer students’ questions.
Photo: Viet Ha – VNA

High school students participating in the program are given priority for admission to university-level training programs of Hanoi National University in the year of high school graduation if they accumulate at least 3 subjects in advance according to in accordance with the Regulations on undergraduate training at Hanoi National University and meeting the threshold to ensure input quality of majors, majors, and training programs in the year of enrollment according to the Admission Regulations of Hanoi National University as well as as passing the interview of the professional subcommittee.

The selection of students to participate in the early admission program to university-level training programs is carried out in the form of admission or admission combined with interview. The training unit can develop some additional criteria or interview to select students in cases where the subject or program has specific requirements or the number of registered candidates is too large. Students who are introduced by instructors participating in the program are given priority when considering admission.

Regarding training costs, in addition to tuition fees paid by students according to regulations and funding sources, Hanoi National University supports part of the training costs for the VNU12 Program; Prioritize investment in facilities and laboratory projects; Priority is given to scholarships for students with excellent achievements and high prizes in national and international competitions.

* Balance between high school and university studies

Currently, at the high school level, Hanoi National University has 1 Middle School and 4 High Schools. In recent years, the work of discovering, fostering and training talents has been one of the special tasks that has always been of interest to Hanoi National University, and has been methodically implemented, including from discovery, foster when they are still high school students and continue to receive advanced training and development at the university, master’s and doctoral levels. The model of training excellent students of high schools under Hanoi National University in recent years is a pioneering model in the country in discovering, fostering and training talents.

Sharing at the Festival, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Lieu, Principal of the High School for the Gifted in Social Sciences and Humanities said: The VNU12 program creates conditions for students with intelligent qualities to withdraw. Short training time at the university level based on career orientation and early learning, scientific research, practice and internship. This goal is a huge advantage for high school students of Hanoi National University. If you make efforts, efforts, determination and have a plan to study science, you will be able to shorten your university study time to 2 or 3 years. After that, they go to graduate school or graduate school according to the appropriate path.

Candidates ask questions about the VNU12 program.
Photo: Viet Ha – VNA

Recently, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities has been a pioneer in orienting and advising students registering for university courses. As a result, in the 2022-2023 school year, 12 students registered and 5 students entered university programs at member schools of Hanoi National University, 2 students studied abroad and 5 students entered the University. University of Social Sciences and Humanities. By the 2023-2024 school year, there are 20 students registered to participate in the program.

Le Hoai Nam, a student specializing in History at the High School for the Gifted of Social Sciences and Humanities, has registered to study cumulative undergraduate courses in the 2022-2023 school year. He is currently a first-year student at Department of History, University of Social Sciences and Humanities shared: I decided to register to study for 9 credits in the 2nd semester and 16 credits in the summer semester; Thanks to that, I deeply understand knowledge, learn how to think and work creatively when studying with my seniors.

However, students who have registered for advance credit at the university level also said that when registering for extra credit, students need to have stable and good learning ability. Otherwise, the cumulative average score will not be high. When choosing to study beyond, students must know how to balance their studies with other activities in life so as not to be overloaded or distracted from their main studies in high school.

Regarding the registration time, in the 10th grade, students must evaluate their learning ability and whether it is suitable to start studying beyond or not. After determining your qualifications, continue to survey the training program, basic subjects of the schools and basic subjects of the industry as well as majors to schedule the next semesters as most suitable. In grade 11, students begin to register for one to two basic courses or industry-based subjects. The final results will be the best answer to the question of whether or not to continue studying so that grade 12 is the time to register for the most credits./.

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