On the 12th of July, the opening ceremony of ‘Waste Into Art 2021’ was held online on Zoom with the participation of the organization board’s representative and students who are interested.
The contest is jointly organized by the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, National University of Civil Engineering, AIF Fund and UNESCO, alongside the company of British Embassy, the Embassy of Italy.
- Demand: Turn plastic waste into a modular pavilion structure.
- Product details: Research and utilize recyclable plastic waste sources, combine with using technological components to create a pavilion structure or a modular display booth. The product that comes first will be structured into a 1:1 ratio model about 3x3m with the help of experts.
- Contestants: Architecture, interior, urban planning and art students nationwide, as individuals or as a group of up to 5 members.
- Deadline: 14/08/2021
- Entry requirements:
- Each entry must be completely displayed on one or two 75x75cm numbered page(s)
- Entries must not be signed or include any sign of information related to the author(s)
- Entries must be numbered in unification according to the organization board’s procedure.
5.1.2 Number of entries and author’s information
- Each author can submit one or more entries
- Each entries must be submitted with a complete entrance form
5.2 Content requirement
Required contents include technical projection, perspective, interior, modular components detail and joints and information and introduction of the contestant (with a portrait). It is recommended that entries come with a model (or a short 3D film under 3 minutes.
5.3 Other requirements
- Entries must be created in the near time (one year since the launch of the contest), must not participate in any other contest or be publicized under any circumstances.
- The organization board is not responsible for entries that are sent overdue and all the losses or damages that occur during the submission of entries.
- Submission: Entries can be submitted using two ways
(1): Send form directly/through post
Address: Faculty of Architecture and Planning, National University of Civil Engineering – Room 116, A1 Building, 55 Giai Phong, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.
(2): Online form: https://forms.gle/Aiv32Z36kguVaMmj6
Sign up and read more about the contest:
Sign up link: https://forms.gle/DCBnnwnvmDKqbMcu5
Detailed contest rule: https://drive.google.com/…/1btkf…
Contact info
Hotline: Bui Phuong Ngoc – 0943479886/Chu Ngoc Huyen – 0944789191
Email: aif@nuce.edu.vn