Exhibition “Life Cycle”
01 July – 14 July 2020
the lobby of the 1st floor, Mind Building – Olympia High School
Trung Van New Urban Area, To Huu Street, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi
From the organizer:
All things in life have a beginning and an end. Sometimes, this end is a new starting point. Whether it is short or long, big or small… each life cycle has its own values and purpose. The process of transition from one life cycle to another keeps transforming and regenerating its value. Thus, life is varied and constantly developing.
The installation exhibition “Life cycle” is inspired by the life cycle of a caterpillar, growing from an egg to a caterpillar and then flourishing into a beautiful butterfly. Not only about visual art, but the exhibition also uses recycled materials like old newspapers, cardboard, plastic bags … to send messages about environmental protection through creating an additional new life cycle for materials that are considered waste. Through this exhibition, we want to give the audience an open and humane perspective on the life cycle of all things, about the continuity, and about the enterprise in transferring and regenerating values.
With the guidance of Olympia art teachers, the artwork is done mainly by junior high school students (grades 5 to 8, and partly by elementary school students (Grades 2 to 4).